Year: 2016

By Liz

Day 12: Keld to Reeth (High Route)

Expectations This route is the original Wainwright one, up into the remnants of the lead mining industry. It’s slightly shorter than the low route, but certainly more strenuous and lacks places to stop along the way. I expect to do the low route, along the River Swale, instead. 10.92 miles from Butt House/Keld Lodge to…

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By Liz

Day 12: Keld to Reeth (Low Route)

Expectations This is the route I expect to take. Prettier than the high route, and it has pubs 🙂 12.17 miles from Butt House/Keld Lodge to Cambridge House/The Manse in Reeth. Realities Oh gosh, what a day! Maybe the hardest yet. For one thing, awful wi-fi again. I’m down in the guest lounge at Cambridge…

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By Liz

Day 11: Kirkby Stephen to Keld

Expectations Bog Day! This is the route we will take in good weather if the trail is reported to be not life-threateningly boggy. Regardless, there’s a risk of ending up waist-deep in bog, so should be interesting. A long day–11.23 miles–no doubt made longer by the bogs. We’ll headfrom Old Croft House in Kirkby Stephen…

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By Liz

Day 10: Rest Day in Kirkby Stephen

Expectations A rest day at Old Croft House in Kirkby Stephen. This is where we ended the 2014 walk. Then, I felt wistful looking east toward the Pennines and wishing we were keeping on going. Hope I feel that way this time too!!! Expecting a truly lazy day since I don’t think there’s much to…

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By Liz

Day 9: Orton to Kirkby Stephen

Expectations Another repeat of the 2014 route. 12.5 miles from The George Hotel in Orton to Old Croft House in Kirkby Stephen. Should be a fairly easy day, boosted by knowing the Ls will be waiting for us in Kirkby Stephen, ready to inject new enthusiasm! Plus, rest day tomorrow. Realities Updated at next usable…

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By Liz

Day 8: Bampton Grange to Orton

Expectations Out of the Lake District! 12. 5 miles from The Crown and Mitre in Bampton Grange to The George Hotel in Orton. This will be a perfectly familiar walk, likely the first that follows in the footsteps of the 2014 jaunt. Though maybe we’ll try not to get lost around Shap Abbey so that…

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By Liz

Day 5: Rest Day in Grasmere

Expectations Ah, a rest day at Dale Lodge in Grasmere! Plan to explore the village more fully than we managed last time. And above all else, not climb any hills 🙂 Realities Best night’s sleep yet! Finally. Headed down for breakfast only to find it didn’t start till 8:30am (amazingly late for a outdoor activity…

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By Liz

Day 4: Stonethwaite to Grasmere

Expectations We’ll say farewell to L’s brother as he heads off to Portugal (or maybe the farewell will have happened the evening before?) The rest of us will drag our noodle-like legs out of The Langstrath in Borrowdale, up over the fell to Dale Lodge in Grasmere, spurred on only by the thought of a…

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