Year: 2017

By Liz

Harshing our Mellow

Status of the trip as of Jul 13th 2017: After pouring over maps and guide books, we had an outline of next summer’s walk: 63 days to cover the 630 miles, with average 12 daily miles and plenty of rest days. Then, luckily, our daughter happened to mention that the college she is most likely…

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By Liz

More C2C Adventures

I would happily just keep trekking back and forth across the narrow part of the UK, but friends and family are balking at that plan, so we’re thinking about/actively planning other C2C trips, specifically…. Chamonix-Chamonix. Better known as the Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB) and more accurately Les Houches-Les Houches. L2L. Cornwall-Cornwall: Better known at…

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