Tour du Mont Blanc 2018

By Liz

TMB: Argentiere to Chamonix

We went our separate ways today. I had a not-great night of sleep–leg was painful, and it was too hot in the room. And I wasn’t in any better headspace than I was at the end of yesterday. So I decided to take the train to Chamonix and the cable car up to La Flegere,…

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By Liz

TMB: Trient to Argentiere

Interesting place last night. Called Hotel De L’Ourse, but very much more like a hostel or refuge, in that many rooms were dormitory style, and all bathroom facilities were shared. The food at dinner was quite good, but not as much as multi-day hikers typically eat (plenty for me, though). Wifi was blindingly fast, but…

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By Liz

TMB: Champex to Trient

A nice but not terribly memorable walk today, lacking any of the jaw-dropping vistas of other days. 10.41 miles, 2634ft elevation gain. Some thoughts about the Hotel Glacier in Champex. Nice location, nice evening meal, tired room, and not terribly helpful staff at check in. Liked this use of silver birch in the dining room!…

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By Liz

TMB: La Fouly to Champex

Another great walking day! Billed as the easiest of the entire tour, which I think is probably accurate, though nothing is truly easy about this hike. Before describing today, a quick look back at dinner last night. We sat with a couple from Northumberland, one a retired teacher and the other a local council member….

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By Liz

TMB Rifugio Bonatti to La Fouly

I was somewhat dreading today, because it promised to be long and hard (12+ miles and 1600m ascent). But it actually was right up there with yesterday for being my favorite day. What an amazing place to wake up, 2025m (6643ft) up, at a mountain hut reachable only on foot, facing the beauty and bulk…

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By Liz

TMB: Rest Days in Courmayeur

The original plan was to spend the first day in Courmayeur backtracking to La Visaille and walking back to Courmayeur, then actually resting on the second day. In reality, we both rested on the first day, and only Dave went back to do the missed section on the second day. We decided to head to…

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