Welcome to our new adventures! I failed to blog the two big adventures last year: learning to sail a catamaran and Dave hiking the Pacific Crest Trail while I (sort of) drove alongside.
I’m hoping to be more successful at blogging the new adventure: moving full time into an RV and then, er, moving.
Tomorrow, March 1st, we set off on the adventure of driving our Chevy Bolt all-electric car down to Grass Valley CA, a journey of about 800 miles that will take probably 7 charging stops to accomplish. We plan to take it slowly, arriving on March 5th, when the RV will be (in theory!) ready for us to take ownership. I’m assuming we’ll hang around the dealership for a couple of days getting oriented and seeing if there’s stuff they need to fix, before heading back to Redmond. We’ll have the added challenge of towing the Bolt, on a dolly.
Once back in Redmond, we’ll move out of the rental townhome, hand over the keys to the landlord, get in the RV, sit at the wheel, and say “Where to now?”
“Back up a bit!” I hear you say. “What RV?”
After our sailing adventures we thought about buying a catamaran. We couldn’t leap at it, because Dave was walking the PCT, and the further we got away from the fun of learning to sail in Grenada, the less it felt right. We decided to go for the cheaper moving-permanently solution of full-timing in an RV. We’re buying a Newmar Canyon Star 3927, a 39″ Class A Motorhome. We chose that one because it has a separate room in the back, intended to be used as a garage for motorbikes, ATV, skidoos, etc. We don’t have any of those things. Instead, we will be storing Dave in there. He will continue to work, and needs a separate, quiet space to program uninterrupted. I might let him into the main part of the RV at times.