All RV posts

By Liz

2020–What a Year!

We were luckier than most. We had decided to full-time in an RV in the fall of 2019, and the RV was ready for pickup just as the virus was becoming big news. We’ve been able to travel throughout the year because the RV is very isolating–no need to use restaurants, public restrooms, etc. We…

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By Liz

On the move

Our last full day in Grass Valley was beautifully sunny, though chilly. Here’s our set up, with the fabulous little Weber grill, and the Bolt parked behind, plugged into 110V so it could charge ready for our departure the next day. I spent some of the day happily figuring out how to make masks, now…

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By Liz

Almost a month later…

What a month! What a time to decide to become full-time RVers! I do want to start out by saying that we are blessed to have the resources and ability to weather the COVID-19 storm this way. All the whining that creeps into the rest of this post doesn’t mean we aren’t grateful for being…

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By Liz

C2C by RV

Welcome to our new adventures! I failed to blog the two big adventures last year: learning to sail a catamaran and Dave hiking the Pacific Crest Trail while I (sort of) drove alongside. I’m hoping to be more successful at blogging the new adventure: moving full time into an RV and then, er, moving. Tomorrow,…

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