Author: Liz

By Liz

Padstow to Portcothan

The plan After a rest day, 13.4\495m ascent\average grade 5%\4:29 easy hours to Portcothan, where we’ll stay at Penlan. Just a stroll, right? Reality Will update tomorrow in Newquay. Very slow internet in Porthcothan! Updating in Newquay, a day late. Yesterday was the easiest day yet, made challenging only by the heat and the sheer…

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By Liz

Port Isaac to Padstow

The plan 12.05 miles\656m ascent\average grade 7%\4:08 hours, some strenuous some easy. On paper, looks like a MUCH easier day than the first two. Staying two nights at No 4. Treverbyn Road. So a rest day tomorrow! Reality A day late posting this. By the time we lumbered into Padstow, I was exhausted. For some…

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By Liz

Tintagel to Port Isaac

The plan The only part of our route labeled “Severe”. Though based on the stats, I don’t understand why it’s tougher than the first day: 8.95\814m ascent\average grade 12%\3:21 hours…so same grade, but less miles and less ascent. We will be ending in the village where Doc Martin was filmed and staying at Three Gates…

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By Liz

Crackington Haven to Tintagel

The plan A challenging first day of hiking, 12.05 miles\1,164m ascent\average grade 12%\4:37 hours from The Coombe Barton Inn to Bosayne Guest House. Lots of ups and downs over headlands. The second longest day we’ll do! Reality What a long hard day! On the upside, spectacular weather. Couldn’t get any lovelier: sunny, 60s, and breezy…

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By Liz

The Journey to the Start

Sitting in Crackington Haven at the lovely Coombe Barton Inn on a gloriously sunny-but-not-hot day. The fairly predictable amount of travel ups and downs since leaving home…ghastly traffic to Seatac, OK security lines, good flight with plenty of sleep (business class wins!), terrible immigration lines at Heathrow, barely caught our train to Exeter, misty drizzly…

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By Liz

Life has a sense of humor

Along with all this trip planning, we have also moved, selling our home of 22 years and downsizing. We moved into in-town rented accommodation in early March specifically so we could live a more walkable lifestyle. Alas, moving did not settle well with my 50+ year old body, and I’ve been battling severe hip pain…

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By Liz

Most things booked

The last post details the reasoning behind a change of plan from doing the entire South West Coast Path to doing just the Cornwall part, followed by the Tour du Mont Blanc. In an irritating-but-maybe-predictable plot twist, our daughter’s graduation was pushed to a week earlier, so we didn’t need to postpone departure after all….

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By Liz

Harshing our Mellow

Status of the trip as of Jul 13th 2017: After pouring over maps and guide books, we had an outline of next summer’s walk: 63 days to cover the 630 miles, with average 12 daily miles and plenty of rest days. Then, luckily, our daughter happened to mention that the college she is most likely…

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By Liz

More C2C Adventures

I would happily just keep trekking back and forth across the narrow part of the UK, but friends and family are balking at that plan, so we’re thinking about/actively planning other C2C trips, specifically…. Chamonix-Chamonix. Better known as the Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB) and more accurately Les Houches-Les Houches. L2L. Cornwall-Cornwall: Better known at…

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