South West Coast Path Cornwall

By Liz

Newquay to Perranporth

The plan 11.5 miles\462m ascent\average grade 5%\4:09 hours of moderate walking, ending at Seiners Hotel Reality 11.4 miles–awfully close! Would have been a straightforward day without the stinking heat! We had a disturbed night because our room was hot, so we had the window open facing a noisy road, and had a fan oscillating over…

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By Liz

Portcothan to Newquay

The plan 10.4 miles\639m ascent\average grade 8%\3:45 hours of moderate walking. We’ll be staying at the St Bernards Guesthouse. Reality My best day yet. I really rather enjoyed it, and felt “in the walking zone” more today than any other. Dave was a little more weary though. Just over 10 miles, with not too much…

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By Liz

Padstow to Portcothan

The plan After a rest day, 13.4\495m ascent\average grade 5%\4:29 easy hours to Portcothan, where we’ll stay at Penlan. Just a stroll, right? Reality Will update tomorrow in Newquay. Very slow internet in Porthcothan! Updating in Newquay, a day late. Yesterday was the easiest day yet, made challenging only by the heat and the sheer…

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By Liz

Port Isaac to Padstow

The plan 12.05 miles\656m ascent\average grade 7%\4:08 hours, some strenuous some easy. On paper, looks like a MUCH easier day than the first two. Staying two nights at No 4. Treverbyn Road. So a rest day tomorrow! Reality A day late posting this. By the time we lumbered into Padstow, I was exhausted. For some…

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By Liz

Tintagel to Port Isaac

The plan The only part of our route labeled “Severe”. Though based on the stats, I don’t understand why it’s tougher than the first day: 8.95\814m ascent\average grade 12%\3:21 hours…so same grade, but less miles and less ascent. We will be ending in the village where Doc Martin was filmed and staying at Three Gates…

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By Liz

Crackington Haven to Tintagel

The plan A challenging first day of hiking, 12.05 miles\1,164m ascent\average grade 12%\4:37 hours from The Coombe Barton Inn to Bosayne Guest House. Lots of ups and downs over headlands. The second longest day we’ll do! Reality What a long hard day! On the upside, spectacular weather. Couldn’t get any lovelier: sunny, 60s, and breezy…

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By Liz

The Journey to the Start

Sitting in Crackington Haven at the lovely Coombe Barton Inn on a gloriously sunny-but-not-hot day. The fairly predictable amount of travel ups and downs since leaving home…ghastly traffic to Seatac, OK security lines, good flight with plenty of sleep (business class wins!), terrible immigration lines at Heathrow, barely caught our train to Exeter, misty drizzly…

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